I created a new database in Microsoft Access 2003 with the name:
Streets, segments, persons, reasons, requests, applicants and categories.
I used SQL data definition commands to create the queries needed to create
the primary keys for the tables.
Table personas: alter table personas add constraint cpp primary key (dni)
Table calles: alter table calles add constraint cp primary key (id_calle)
Table categorías: alter table categorias add constraint cp primary key (id_categor)
Table motivos: alter table motivos add constraint cp primary key (id_motivo)
Table solicitudes: alter table solicitudes add constraint cp primary key (id_solicit)
Table solicitantes: alter table solicitantes add constraint cp primary key (id_solicit,dni)
Table segmentos: alter table segmentos add constraint cpse primary key (id_segm)
Table solicitantes->personas: alter table solicitantes add constraint cepersol
foreign key ( dni ) references personas
Table motivos->categorias: alter table motivos add constraint cemotcat foreign
key ( id_categor ) references categorias
Table solicitantes->solicitudes: alter table solicitantes add constraint cesolicitantessolil
foreign key ( id_solicit ) references solicitudes
Table solicitudes->calles: alter table solicitudes add constraint cesolcall foreign
key ( id_calle ) references calles
Table solicitudes->motivos: alter table solicitudes add constraint cesolmot foreign
key ( id_motivo ) references motivos
The Relationship diagram or canonical map is as follows:
I created the cross-reference form 1, for which I had to make the following
TRANSFORM Count ( datoscruzada.id_solicit ) AS cant SELECT categoria FROM datoscruzada
GROUP BY categoria PIVOT estado; Finally I linked the "CROSSED" query to the
data source of the form.
Crossed references subform:
I created Form 2 which I linked to the categories table. Inside it I
inserted 1 combobox which was created with a subform wizard, so that it can
display the type field of the categories table. Then I added a subform to
which I linked the query "Query Subform2", which will allow me to display
the motifs table.
SELECT m.motivo, m.id_motivo, c.id_categor FROM motivos AS m, categorias AS
c WHERE m.id_categor = c.id_categor; After this, in the properties of the
subform I had to link the main fields ( of the main form ) with the
secondary fields ( the subform ) , the matching fields are id_type. In this
way, when selecting a type of claim, the subform will be updated showing the
different categories belonging to that type.
The motives table will also have secondary sheets which will allow us to see
different specific data. In order to do so, 2 secondary sheets must be
inserted. Linking their respective fields so that the nesting can work
To insert the secondary sheets I had to first create the queries and then go
to any record in the table and click on insert secondary sheet. Select the
query and then link the primary and secondary field.
The queries were as follows:
Subformulario2 QUERY:
SELECT m.id_motivo, m.motivo, c.id_categor FROM motivos AS m, categorias AS
c WHERE m.id_categor = c.id_categor;
HojaSecu1 QUERY:
SELECT sol.id_solicit, sol.fecha_alta, c.calle, sol.altura, sol.estado,
sol.id_motivo FROM solicitudes AS sol, motivos AS m, calles AS c WHERE
sol.id_motivo = m.id_motivo and sol.id_calle = c.id_calle;
HojaSecu2 QUERY:
SELECT p.dni, sol.fecha_recl, p.nombre, p.apellido, sol.reiteracio,
soli.id_solicit FROM solicitantes AS sol, solicitudes AS soli, personas AS p
WHERE sol.id_solicit = soli.id_solicit and sol.dni = p.dni;
Create a new form called form3 where the user will enter a document number
and when clicking on a button it will show the fields dni, last name, first
name, id_request, date_request, reason, street, height and repetition. The
results will be shown in a subform.
To do this I created the form, introduced a text box, a button and a
subform. In the textbox we introduce the document number of the person to
search for. To create the subform I first created a form called "formu", to
which I linked the following query.
Subform Formulario 3 QUERY:
SELECT p.dni, p.apellido, p.nombre, solicitantes.id_solicit,
solicitantes.fecha_recl, m.motivo, call.calle, solicitudes.altura,
solicitantes.reiteracio FROM personas AS p, solicitantes AS solicitantes,
motivos AS m, calles AS call, solicitudes AS solicitudes WHERE m.id_motivo =
solicitudes.id_motivo And solicitudes.id_calle = call.id_calle And
solicitudes.id_solicit = solicitantes.id_solicit And solicitantes.dni =
p.dni And p.dni = Texto1;
Then within the subform of form 3 in the data source I linked the form,
which in turn is linked to the previous query. In order to perform the
search, the operator must enter a document number and then press a button to
update the data in the subform. To do this, the following code must be
entered into the "on click" event of the search requests button:
Dim sistemareclamos2018 As Database Dim qdf As QueryDef Dim rst As Recordset
Set sistemareclamos = CurrentDb Set qdf = sistemareclamos.QueryDefs ( "QUERY
Subform Formulario 3" ) qdf.Parameters ( "Texto1" ) =
Form_Formulario3.Texto1.Value Set rst = qdf.OpenRecordset ( ) Form
_formu.dni.ControlSource = "dni" Form _formu.apellido.ControlSource =
"apellido" Form _formu.nombre.ControlSource = "nombre" Form_
formu.id_solicit.ControlSource = "id_solicit" Form
_formu.fecha_recl.ControlSource = "fecha_recl" Form
_formu.motivo.ControlSource = "motivo" Form_formu.calle.ControlSource =
"calle" Form_formu.altura.ControlSource = "altura"
Form_formu.reiteracio.ControlSource = "reiteracio" Set Form_formu.Recordset
= rst
Form 1:
To create the form, I created a new form with the wizard, indicating the
tables I was going to work with. Finally, once created, I entered the
following query in the record source:
SELECT c.CATEGORIA, m.MOTIVO, soli.ID_SOLICIT FROM categorias AS c, motivos
AS m, solicitudes AS soli WHERE c.ID_CATEGOR = m.id_categor AND m.ID_MOTIVO
= soli.id_motivo AND soli.ESTADO = "P"; After this add the necessary combo
boxes with the following query in your control source: = Account (
[id_Solicit] )